Vroesenpark Blijdorp. If you like to have a nice relaxing day,just like Sunday, Slackline, BBQ&Chill-this park is for you. On warm summernights the Vroesenpark more like a BBQ -party than a backyard. When you come here,you will most like not read your book. So leave it at your hotel,bring a bottle of wine and enjoy the sun, having nice time with your friends.
Visit Vrije Volk Festival on Saturday August 29 2015 from 13-23:00 the very first dance festival ever will take place in the beautiful Vroesenpark. The artistic festival Duizel in the Park is also every year in August in this park. This festival is full of the artists, painters, misicians, storytellers and poets that entertain the visitors. This year-7/8/9 August. Also first time in may 2015 a lot of mobile kitchens transforms the park into one big outdoor restaurant. There is entertainment in the form of the theater and live music.
Vroesenpark is a dreamy place for kids,grouwnups and everybody in between!
More information hier www.festivalinfo.nl
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